How often the site is visited from specific place?

Can “site visit frequency from specific place (or better, certain company office)” be just a query away? The needed analytics data is already collected by Sitecore, hence data mining could roughly be:

  1. Figure out area postal code (or reverse it by IP using any reverse IP lookup)
  2. Find all contacts that have the same details postal code (or by other field criteria)
  3. Locate visits done by the contacts
  4. Aggregate the number of pages in each visit to understand the length of their journey

The IP address in our demo belongs to Dnipro with 49000 postal code. It is recorded by Sitecore Analytics in following manner:

The GeoIP data is a part of InteractionsCache facet that belongs to contact; we could find all the contacts from postal code/city/(any condition from picture above) by query:

DECLARE @location NVARCHAR(20) = '49000';
DECLARE @LocationUtcShift INT = 2; 
DECLARE @MinInteractionsThreshold INT = 6;
DECLARE @ShardsCount INT = 2;

WITH [ContactsInTheArea] AS(
		DISTINCT(cf.ContactId) AS [ContactId]
	FROM [xdb_collection].[ContactFacets] cf
		CROSS APPLY OPENJSON([FacetData], '$.PostalCodes')
			WITH ([City] NVARCHAR(100) '$')
	AND ISJSON(FacetData) = 1 
	AND [City] = @location)
SELECT COUNT(1) AS [Unique browser sessions] FROM [ContactsInTheArea]

The next step is to locate all the interactions recorded in system:

[InteractionsFromTheArea] AS(
	DATEADD (HOUR, @LocationUtcShift, i.StartDateTime) AS [StartDateTime],
	DATEADD (HOUR, @LocationUtcShift, i.EndDateTime) AS [EndDateTime],
	Pages = (
			FROM OPENJSON([Events])
				WITH ([Event] NVARCHAR(100) '$."@odata.type"') 
			WHERE [Event] = '#Sitecore.XConnect.Collection.Model.PageViewEvent')
	FROM [xdb_collection].Interactions i
		INNER JOIN [ContactsInTheArea] d 
		ON d.[ContactId] = i.ContactId)
SELECT * FROM [InteractionsFromTheArea]

We found all the recorded interactions performed from the location we originally set. The last step is to aggregate statistics per day:

	CAST (i.StartDateTime AS DATE) AS [Session Time],
	COUNT(1) AS [Test Sessions],	
	CAST(ROUND(AVG(CAST(Pages AS FLOAT)), 2) AS NUMERIC(36,2)) AS [Avg. pages viewed]
FROM [InteractionsFromTheArea] i
	GROUP BY CAST (i.StartDateTime AS DATE)
	HAVING COUNT(1) > (@MinInteractionsThreshold / @ShardsCount)
	ORDER BY [Session Time] DESC

The last query answers how often our site was visited in the area that belongs to the postal code/(company name owing the IP address):


A daily statistics of interactions (and their quality) originated from area is a query away, impressive? Since we operated on one shard out of N, the results are to be multiplied by N to get complete picture.

The report is built by burning CPU to parse raw JSON on each go (the more data = the more CPU spent). A lack of data normalization is a price to pay for flexibility (possibility to track/store custom info) that introduces a need of reducing/extracting/aggregating data (constantly adjust report data to reflect data change) and storing into query-friendly format.

2 thoughts on “How often the site is visited from specific place?

  1. Hi Nikolay,
    Just wondering whether building such a report would be simpler if we use Mongo and keep unstructured data instead of saving it as a JSON on SQL. I guess, we can also design SQL provider to keep all JSON data in table. Would it be a recommendation?
    In other words, does this mean that Mongo is a better choice or this is just one concrete usage scenario where Sitecore organizes analytics data not optimally for SQL?



    1. Yes, MongoDB offers better scaling (sharding OOB) + JS-alike query syntax + native JSON support.
      It has better cost efficiency as shipped with free license.

      There are certain drawbacks i foresee:
      1) Analytics was initially developed with MSSQL in mind
      2) MongoDB non Microsoft stack, hence you’ll need to add one more technology into solution stack

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